With experience in the sectors as Banking, Insurance, Energy, Industry, Education, Public Sector and more.
Strong skills in Team Building, technical knowledge and ability to solve complex challenges that require innovative, state of the art technologies.
- +46 721 41 52 59
- http://bernardoantunes.com
- Innovation
- Business Process
- SharePoint
- SQL Server
- C#
- Web Applications
- Requirements Analysis
- JavaScript
- Agile
- Team Building
- Business Process Improvement
- Microsoft Technologies
- .NET
- Software Development
- Web Services
- Architecture
- jQuery
- Web Development
- InfoPath
- Windows Azure
- MOSS 2007
- System Architecture
- SaaS
- WF
- Document Management
- Visual Studio
- Cloud Computing
- Scrum
- Digital Workplace
Digital Workplace is a General Business Logic and Usability platform on top of SharePoint that simplifies and secures compliance of access management and enables horizontal and vertical collaboration, communication and navigation.
- Management System
A system to manage Internal Rules, Process Maps, Documentation, Location, Unit, Roles, Functions and Users in a Simple and Intuitive Visual Interface. Ensure that every user Knows and Understands in real-time what he needs to be fully Ready to Work enabling true Knowledge Compliance.
- Nordea Innovation Framework
Designing of a Framework to manage innovation in Nordea in a inclusive and transforming way.
- Knowledge Center
How to share Vertical and Horizontal Knowledge in Distributed Teams and Environment. Enabling Knowledge and Culture Transformation.
- Enterprise Social Platform
How to Communicate and Stay Updated in a Digital Environment. Running away from Email Based Communication.
- Digital Communication Strategy and Structure
Not all Messages are created Equal. How to make sure that People receive what they Need to Know while Ensuring Communication without Spamming?
- Process Execution Layer
From Data to Meaning, Implementation of Processes in an Agile Environment with Streamlined Knowledge Management.
- Signals (Events Stream – Analytics and AI)
Transforming Signals into Actions. Discover What and Why. See the Past, Predict the Future and Act in Real-Time.
- Visualization, Control and Gratification (Gamification)
Base principles of Gamification Explained in a way that makes sense and that anyone can understand.
- Dashboards
How to Present Data. Strategic, Management, Operational and Real-time. Efficient methods of Driving a Company.
- Solo Queue vs 6 Stack
What do Games and Companies have in Common? What makes or Breaks a Team? How to be Better at Achieving Goals Together?
- Inspiration Workshops - How to think different.
Being part of the SharePoint Core Team, he worked closely with Management, Sales and Technical Teams to define and develop tretton37's SharePoint Offering.
Being a new area in Stockholm he worked on many different roles and assignments:
- Information Architecture
- SharePoint Solution Architecture
- Pre-Studies and Information Status Assessment
- SharePoint Inspiration Workshops
- Pre-Sales Support
- Change Management
- Project Management
- Design of FastStart Intranet Solution
- Design and Development of Knowledge Management Solution
- Design and Development of Proven SharePoint Patterns and Methodologies
- Migration SharePoint 2010 - SharePoint 2013
- Installation and Configuration of SharePoint Server 2013 Farm with BI Integration with Kerberos and proper credentials delegation configuration.
He also helps to organize and develop Stockholm's Internal Knowledge Sharing Activities.
With his knowledge in the area of services, document management and business processes, he helped designing and architecture some of the most innovative products of the company.
Recruitment and improving the teams skills he helped to create a strong, self motivated and efficient team.
During that time he continued to support the Consultancy Department in proposals, architecture and project management in the area of Document Management, Business Processes and Collaboration.
- Cordex SA - Architecture, analysis and supervision of a SharePoint 2010 Solution with the following main areas: Intranet with full departmental structure for 7 companies with local and shared services, including Business Processes implemented for the commercial, financial and production processes using Workflows, InfoPath and BCS to integrate with multiple Navision databases. Centralized Mail Management for all companies with physical tagging, digitalization, recognition (OCR, ICR and OMR), classification, archiving, routing and business process initiation/integration.
Extranet for each country with secure customer access to private real-time data, online ordering, statistics, support and tracking.
Central Admin Extension allows the client to easily configure existing companies and to create full new companies as necessary.
Speaker in Microsoft event:
- Introduction to the new SharePoint 2010 Developer Platform
Supports the strategic decision in the technical and scientific areas, bridges the technical and business knowledge, allowing better decisions coordinated with the market evolution.
Organizes the R&D projects and presents them to the administration, quantifying effort and risk and focusing the ones with the most return.
After a complete technological career, is a natural leader in the area, showing knowledge and communication abilities with all the team elements, creates a strong teams with a excellency and competitive spirit in the IT's world.
Restructured the area in order to create new processes, motivate and incentivate innovation, aligning the processes with the quality processes and other departments.
The processes of hiring new human resources were redesigned to allow the entrance of young but innovative elements.
Implemented new development control tools, document management, collaboration and knowledge management allowing a more agile and predictable process.
Focused in ECM, EDRMS, BPM in the areas of Education, Public Sector, Industry and Health.
- Remax iWork (Microsoft Success Story) - Designed the architecture of the backoffice of the Remax Portugal as SaaS. Supports almost 220 agencies and 3000 workers.
Technologies: SharePoint Server 2007
- Grupo Casais (Microsoft Success Story) - Designed and Implemented the intranet structure to all the group.
Technologies: SharePoint Server 2007
- Sogrape Intranet (Microsoft Success Story) - Design and implementation of the intranet.
Technologies: SharePoint Server 2007
- Bastos Viegas – Medical Products Document Management System that centralizes all the communication in SharePoint Server 2007. All the documents that enters or exits the company are digitalized, catalogued, printed, arquived and distributed in the Intranet.
Technologies: SharePoint Server 2007
- Sofinloc - Finantia Implementation of Windows Workflow Foundation in SharePoint Portal Server 2003.
Technologies: SharePoint Server 2003, WF
- Microfil - Mentoring the development team on new technologies and planing the knowledge update.
Design the Process Management System - Development of a custom Process Management Platform. Runtime engine, persistency, publications mecanisms, security, portal, and more.
Technologies: .NET, WF, SQL Server, C#, Webparts
- Águas do Cávado, Minho e Lima e do Ave – Águas de Portugal
Implementation of intranet and Business Processes.
Technologies: SharePoint Server 2007
Speaker in:
- TechDays 2008 in the sessions COL10 - How to create solutions using Open XML and COL06 - Workflow in SharePoint Server 2007.
- WebDay 2007 - Business Intelligence in a SharePoint 2007 - Using BI Dashboards, SQL Server Analysis Services, KPI’s, Excel Services and more.
- Makes technical presentations and gives support to vertical areas.
- Defines updates and implements new architectures in Microsoft area.
- Gives support to projects during the initial phase to ensure the correct architecture to the corresponding context. Validates database structure, coding rules, and the correct use of the application layers, analyse productivity and the resultant project quality.
- Implements generic components that requires a higher technical knowledge of the .NET Framework. Integrates the new components in the Framework informing all the teams about the new functionalities.
- Goes with Project Managers to reunions that need a strong technical knowledge, mostly in banking and insurance area.
Using hydroponics systems and nutrients we were able to decrease the amount of water necessary to produce crops and fodder to animals in a increasingly dryer country.
Importing beneficial insects and nematodes we were able to create biological crops that don't require chemical pesticides to combat pest, creating a more healthy product for humans.
We also imported pollinators, like bumblebees, that allows the farmers to produce more and better crops, avoiding the usage of hormones or other physical ways of pollination that are more resource intensive and don't take into account the maturity level of the flower, creating less and unhealthy fruits.
- eUmbrella Project (banking) unifies the functionality between more that 20 web services that allow access to the mainframes. All the workflow is done with the integration with FileNet. Configurable flow control to prevent stolen links and misuse of the application navigation. All the system is fully configurable with no code impact (except for major changes). Created a new system of objects validation and error control. All the integration of the web services and application functionalities are available to any other systems.
Technologies: FileNet, ASP.NET, C#, SQL Server 2000, Stored Procedures, WebServices, XML, XSLT. DNA Architecture.
- Cadastro de Imóveis (BCP): Application made in .NET with special attention to a change recognition system. And a configurable system to create files to be used by the mainframes. Created a special mechanism that allows to view the building state in any given date with all the properties of that time.
Technologies: ASP.NET, C#, SQL Server 2000, Stored Procedures, WebServices, XML, XSLT. DNA Architecture.
- SGMF Intranet of the General Secretary of the Finances Department. It included several small applications to manage from schedules to meeting rooms, etc.. Technologies: SharePoint Portal Server 2003, CMS 2002 and .NET, ASP.NET, C#, SQL Server 2000, Stored Procedures, WebServices, XML, XSLT.
- Coordination of Development Teams.
- GalpEnergia's Extranet (Oil Company) Implemented a project that utilized the full functionalities of SharePoint Portal Server, Content Management Server, SharePoint Team Services, Exchange Server with Outlook Web Access, internal applications and others developed during the project. It was utilized .NET and SQL Server. All the portal was completely customized by profile and access rules, the authentication was propagated to all the applications. The Content Integration Pack was customized (code changed) due to the Single Sign On System used by the institution.
- eBairro Project Made to the Parque das Nações, it was implemented a multi-shop system in Commerce Server 2000, since Commerce was not prepared to a multi-shop context all his internal pipelines were rewritten. The Payment system was integrated with COFINOGA to use a new credit card made to this project. Mailling lists, Schedule controls, etc.
- Competence Management for REFER Hybrid authentication system, new templating system in AST.NET. New unified and patterned development method.
- Loja do Cidadão Portal The first implementation in Portugal of MSIB from Microsoft, with Content Management Server, Commerce Server, Biztalk Server. And the integration with the System of Work lines management and FABASOFT to include dynamic information.
- Participation in the implementation of an technologic workshop with MSI solution(Microsoft Solution for Intranets).
Technologies: COM+, Queued Components with Compensating actions, Sockets, SQL Server 2000, Stored Procedures, VB, SOAP. DNA Architecture used.
- Application built in a 3 tier architecture using XML as the only data type used to communicate between tiers, that allowed a seamless integrations with the XML Interface Builder. Allowed ad-ons and management calculation rules, etc.
Technologies: ASP, DHTML, CSS, JavaScript, COM+ (MTS), SQL Server 7, Stored Procedures, complex
primary keys to greater data integrity.
- Created a component to make XML Forms called XML Interface Builder. This interface allowed the definition of data forms with automatic validation and integration. Its works completely separating the data from the presentation. It is possible to change all the presentation changing only XSLT files. It also permits the creation of template types to create complex forms, allowing reutilization.
- Member of the Quality Team, creating and validating internal rules and norms.
- Specification, analysis, planning and costing projects. Responsible of creating and validating proposals.
Technologies: DHTML, XML, ActiveX (WebComponent), CSS, JavaScript, COM, MTS, VB, ADO, SQL Server 7, Stored Procedures, complex primary keys. DNA Architecture.
- Created an application to digitalize, send, receive, manage, catalog and index documents with integration with KeyFile. It is a client server application. It allows the aggregation of several documents to create a logic document to be catalogued as one. All the clients worked in async, sending the data to the server at pre-configured periods.
- Restructuration and componentization of the Sistróia System. It is a system used to manage, administer and control sinister of the insurance companies of the Seguros e Pensões group. The application was modularized in several modules that would call each other as needed. It was created a component to manage logic locks in the application in an administration tool. It allowed several clients to access logic entities guarantying that only one has write access at a given time.
Technologies: VB, RDO, ActiveX, ORACLE 7.3, PL-SQL
- Development of a Search System. It allowed to crawl and index any site, allowing fast searches of information. It was an component that allowed to visualize all the site structure and
select with zones to index. It had exclude rules, so that it ignore flie types, comments, javascript code, etc. It also all the files that were added, changed and deleted keeping the database up to date. It allowed a very easy installation.
Technologies: SQL Server 6.5, Stored Procedures, C++ Builder 3.0.
- Created an InProc Automation Server in Visual C++ to be used in IIS. This component is used to create dynamic search queries, allowing complex search queries and wildcards.
- Company Portfolio made in Flash 3.0 using advanced functions to demonstrate the company competences.
- Applet in Java, to show information with links, that fades between elements. Used threads, double buffering in the browser to make smoother image transitions. Completely parameterized.
- Development of AdLog 2.0. Application to manage advertising and media companies in South America, Portugal, Spain and expanding to the rest of Europe.
Technologies: Centura (SQL Windows), C++ Builder, ORACLE, PL-SQL.
reporting components to the solution.
Technologies: Delphi, DBASE, SQL Server 6.5, Office Automation
Technologies: Delphi, DBASE and Paradox.
Technologies: DBASE III+
Technologies: Clipper 5.2